Pilot Interviewing Essentials
(Online Course)
Educational Context
Damos Aviation Services, Inc. offers two courses on pilot interviewing. Both courses teach the structured interview method, which has been shown to be the most accurate method of identifying successful candidates. Pilot Interviewing Essentials is the first of the two courses. It is a stand-alone, on-line course that covers all of the basics for structured interviewing. It teaches how to develop and administer the technical interview for airline pilots.
This courses is offered through the Aviation Industry Training Program of the Centre Quebecois de Formation Aeronautique (CQFA) in Montreal. It is only available in English.
Participants who wish to practice the skills presented in this course may wish to enroll in the second course, Pilot Interviewing Workshop. Pilot Interviewing Essentials should be completed before a participant takes the Pilot Interviewing Workshop.
Educational Approach
Pilot Interviewing Essentials describes how to prepare and conduct the technical (Captains’) interview. The course begins with a discussion of how the technical interview fits into the pilot selection process and which knowledge, skills, and abilities should be assessed in the interview. Next, the course presents information on how to structure the interview and the best types of questions to include. This is followed with a description of rating scales and behavioral anchors and common problems encountered when rating a candidate. Active listening and note taking are also discussed. Several of the units are followed by short evaluations to ensure that the participant has understood the material. There is a comprehensive evaluation at the end of the course.
By the end of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Identify which knowledge, skills, abilities, and traits should be assessed in the technical interview
- Develop past behavior, situational, and technical interview questions and their probes
- Use behavioral anchors for scoring
- Produce appropriate interview notes and rating scores
- Determine the number and types of questions and probes to be included in the interview
Course information is presented using slides with voice-overs. No outside reading is required, and no additional materials must be purchased. Pilot Interviewing Essentials may be begun any time after the course has been purchased. The participant has 90 days to complete the course. The course is completely self-paced and is available 24/7. It requires an average of 3.5 hours to complete. When the participant has completed the course and passed the comprehensive evaluation, CQFA will issue a Certificate of Achievement.
This course assumes no prior experience in pilot interviewing. It is appropriate for anyone who interviews pilots for an airline including Human Resources personnel and management pilots. It also may be useful for flying schools that interview potential students.

The cost of this online course is $250 Cnd.
Registration / Information
To register, call CQFA at 514-300-2732 Ex 103 or REGISTER HERE.