How to Qualify to Purchase a Screening Test
Damos Aviation Services Inc. has a policy in keeping with industry practice to qualify individuals to purchase selection and screening tests. General industry practice uses a three-level (A, B, C) classification system for commercially availables election tests. Each level requires different skills and training. All of Damos Aviation Services’ commercially available pilot selection tests, including the Tabular Speed Test, are classified as B-level tests. B-level tests require some expertise in score interpretation on the part of the users.
Each company that wishes to use one of our tests should designate one person as the responsible party for the test. This individual must take responsibility for the use, scoring, and interpretation of the test but may or may not be the person administering the test. This person is referred to as the “qualified user.” Only qualified users may purchase tests.
Individuals may become qualified users for B-level tests in several different ways. The first is by formal training. B-level tests may be purchased by individuals with a master’s degree in psychology, education, or other related field with training in tests and measurement. The second is by experience in test administration and interpretation. The third is through certification. Individuals who have completed the certification course offered by a recognized organization or group can qualify.
Please complete the form below and submit it online. You may also print the form and fax it to:
Damos Aviation Services, Inc.
Attn: Administrator Qualifications
FAX: 847.855.9584