of Damos Aviation Services (DAS)
- DAS has provided selection services for experienced pilots to both foreign and US air carriers.
- DAS has provided consulting services to aircraft manufacturers, governmental agencies, and professional associations.
- DAS has helped develop ab initio pilot selection systems for colleges and flying training schools.

Included among our clients:
- Leadership in Flight Training (LIFT) Academy
- Polaris Aviation
- Ameriflight
- Atlantic Southeast Airlines
- South African Airways
- Bahamasair
- Island Air
- Centre quebecois de formation aeronautique (CQFA)
- Seneca College
- Waterloo-Wellington Flight Centre
- Boeing Commercial Airplane Company
- Flight Safety International
- Association of Professional Flight Attendants
- Aero Innovation Inc.
- Hughes Information Systems Company
- Lockheed Martin Space Mission Systems & Services
- US Air Force Personnel Center
- US Army Research Institute
- South Pacific Airlines