Pilot Screening Services
Damos Aviation Services, Inc offers a complete range of consulting services on pilot hiring and screening. Our goal is to ensure that your screening process identifies the best applicants in a cost-efficient and legally defensible manner. We will begin by reviewing your interview questions, rating forms, and evaluation process. We will develop new interview questions and probes and construct rating forms as necessary. We will examine your new-hires’ performance in initial training and suggest adding standardized tests to your selection process if they can reduce your training costs.

As part of our consulting services, we will train your staff to administer any new tests and conduct and score structured interviews. Training is usually conducted at the carrier’s facilities. However, we also offer courses through the Quebec Center of Aviation Training (CQFA), the flying college of Quebec. All courses are in English and have no prerequisites. An online course in pilot interviewing is also available. Please see the Short Courses & Workshops menu for more details.
Some carriers prefer to have us test their applicants. Carriers may send their applicants to our selection center near Chicago’ O’Hare Airport. Please see the Testing Services page under the Consulting Services menu for more information. Other carriers prefer to have us test their applicants at the company facilities or at pilot job fairs. Damos Aviation Services personnel will bring any test your company needs to any suitable location. Please see the Testing Services page for more information.
We are a small company that prides itself on close working relationships with our clients and our responsiveness. We take time to listen to you and understand your challenges and goals.
All of our work is performed at the highest professional standards and meets the guidelines established by the American Psychological Association, the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists, and the United States government.