Damos Aviation Consulting Services
Damos Aviation Services, Inc. (DAS) is a “one-stop shop” for all of your pilot hiring needs. We offer consulting services on all aspects of pilot screening and selection. For new airlines, we offer all of the services necessary to develop a screening and selection system. For air carriers with an existing pilot hiring system, we can perform any of the services needed to improve the process, such as adding new tests, validating the system, or modifying the system to meet international “best practice” standards. We can perform task (job) analyses, document the development process, and calculate the test weights and cutoff scores.
Pilot Selection Services
Damos Aviation Services offers pilot selection tests to qualified users. These tests are developed only for pilots. They are designed to be easy to administer, quick to score, and are cost effective. Our Tabular Speed Test may be used for selecting experienced as well as ab initio pilots.
On-Site Testing Services
We also offer on-site testing services. We will bring any test you need to your facilities or pilot job fairs and test your applicants. Because we specialize in pilot screening and selection, we have portable computerized tests of timesharing and situational awareness.
Workshops & Short Courses
We offer a variety of short courses and workshops for human resource professionals and flight operations personnel involved in pilot hiring. These courses are offered periodically In Chicago and Montreal.