Database Searches
Damos Aviation Services, Inc. offers database searches and information analyses on topics related to pilot selection and hiring. Damos Aviation Services has a library of over 2000 documents dealing with pilot selection and hiring plus access to other private collections that are not available to the general public. Many of the documents held in these libraries are difficult and/or expensive to access through commercial on-line services or university libraries. We have a collection of early documents on pilot selection dating from 1914 to 1940. Although most of the collection is concerned with pilot selection in the United States, a significant number of articles deal with selection in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy. The collection contains articles dealing with civilian as well as military pilot selection.
We offer the following services:
- Database searches on topics related to pilot selection and hiring for both ab initio and experienced pilots
- Construction of annotated bibliographies
- Literature reviews
- Analysis and interpretation of documents.
Who could benefit from these services?
- Attorneys involved with pilot screening, hiring, and retention cases.
- Students and researchers concerned with pilot selection.
- Governmental agencies or trade associations dealing with pilot qualifications and hiring processes.
- Air carriers and flying schools needing information on specific skills, abilities, or traits for selection and screening purposes.
If you are interested in a database search, please contact us at