Dr. Diane Damos
Dr. Diane Damos is the president of Damos Aviation Services, Inc. She received her doctorate in aviation psychology from the University of Illinois in 1977. Between 1977 and 1997 she served on the faculties of the State University of New York at Buffalo, Arizona State University, and the University of Southern California. In 1997 she began working full-time at Damos Aviation Services, Inc. She is a fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, the Royal Aeronautics Society, and the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology and an associate fellow of the Aerospace Medical Association. She is an accredited aviation psychologist.
Pilot Selection
Dr. Damos has been involved with pilot selection since 1970. She assisted in the development of computer-based tests of information processing and cognition for pilot selection for both the United States Navy and Air Force. She has consulted with numerous domestic and foreign air carriers and training schools on both ab initio and experienced pilot selection. She has authored articles in refereed journals on pilot selection as well as technical reports and professional articles. She has conducted short courses on developing pilot selection systems in the United States, Canada, Africa, Europe, and the Far East.
Consulting Editor
Dr. Damos was a consulting editor for the International Journal of Aviation Psychology for 19 years and the special editor for an issue of the International Journal of Aviation Psychology on pilot selection. Dr. Damos served as the chair of the Aerospace Technical Group of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society from 1998 to 2000. She was appointed to the United States National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council Panel of Human Factors in Air Traffic Control Automation. She was also president of the Association for Aviation Psychologists.
Expert Witness
Dr. Damos has been retained as an expert witness in cases involved with the life-time earnings of professional pilots and with pilot career paths. She has been involved in several mediations involving the staffing and workload of cabin crew.

Dr. Diane Damos
Damos Aviation

Selected Publications
Damos, D.L., Bittner, A.C.& Niemczyk, M. (2022). Predicting Flight Training Performance from the Tabular Speed Test. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 12. 92-98.
Damos, D.L. (2019). Technical review and analysis of the Army Air Forces Aviation Psychology Program research reports. (Report No. AFCAPS-TN-2019-0002). Randolph AFB, TX: Air Force Personnel Center/Strategic Research and Assessment Branch.
Damos, D.L. (2014). A More Select Selection Process. Aviation Week & Space Technology, 176(4), 8.
Weissmuller, J.J. & Damos, D.L. (2014). Improving the pilot selection system: Statistical approaches and selection processes. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 24, 99-118.
Damos, D.L., Boyett, K.S, & Gibbs, P. (2013). Safety versus passenger service: The flight attendants’ dilemma. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 23, 91-112.
Damos, D.L. (2012). Hiring Pilots During a Shortage: Some Cautions. ICAO Training Report, 2(2), 17-19.
Damos, D.L. (2011). KSAOs for military pilot selection: A review of the literature. (DAS Technical Report DAS-2011001) Gurnee, Il. Damos Aviation Services, Inc.
Damos, D.L., John, R.S., & Lyall, E.A. (1999). The effect of level of automation on time spent looking out of the cockpit. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9, 303-314.
Damos, D.L., and Gould, R.B. (1999). Hiring: Can your company prove it doesn’t discriminate? NBAA Digest, 12(8), 7.
Damos, D.L. (1998). Purchasing new pilot selection tests. The Journal of Professional Aviation Training, 1(1), 8-9.
Damos, D.L. (1998). The effect of interruptions on Part 121 air carrier operations. Los Angeles, CA.: University of Southern California.
Damos, D.L., & Koonce, J. (1997). Methodological and analytical concerns on the pilot selection research of Park and Lee (1992). Human Factors, 39, 9-13.
Damos, D.L. (1996). Pilot selection batteries: Shortcomings and perspectives. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 6, 199-209.
Damos, D.L. (1993). Using meta analysis to examine the predictive validity of single- and multiple-task measures to flight performance. Human Factors, 35, 615-628.
Damos, D.L., (1987). Some considerations in the design of a computerized human information processing battery. (NAMRL Monograph 35). Pensacola, FL: Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory.
Damos, D.L., & Gibb G.D. (1986) Development of a computer-based naval aviation selection test battery (Report No. NAMRL-1319). Pensacola, FL: Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory.
Damos, D.L., & Lintern, G. (1981). A comparison of single- and dual-task measures to predict simulator performance of beginning student pilots. Ergonomics, 24, 673-684.
Damos, D.L., (1978). Residual attention as a predictor of pilot performance. Human Factors, 20, 435-440.
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