Pilot Screening
& Selection
Your One Stop Shop
for All Your Pilot Screening Needs
Air carriers and flight schools need a comprehensive approach to pilot screening.
Here’s what we can do for your company:
Screening System
Identify any shortcomings of your current screening system and suggest improvements through changes to your interviews and additional testing.
Test Selection
Select the most effective standardized tests for your pilot screening process. Negotiate with vendors on your behalf to obtain the best possible price.
Test Administration
Administer the standardized tests for you or train your staff to do the administration.
• DAS can administer the tests through the internet. Results are provided in a timely manner.
• DAS can also conduct on-site testing at pilot job fairs or at your facilities. Results are usually available immediately.
• Train your personnel to administer and score the tests
• DAS can administer the tests through the internet. Results are provided in a timely manner.
• DAS can also conduct on-site testing at pilot job fairs or at your facilities. Results are usually available immediately.
• Train your personnel to administer and score the tests
Refine your interview questions, evaluation forms, and scoring methods.
Train your staff in structured interviewing methods and scoring.
Database Searches
Decrease your legal exposure by demonstrating your company’s knowledge of historical and state-of-the-art methods of pilot selection.
Workshops & Short Courses
We offer a variety of short courses and workshops for human resource professionals and flight operations personnel involved in pilot hiring. These courses are offered periodically In Chicago and Montreal.